Friday, August 31, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw the Blue Moon

Blue Moon_8589.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Blue Moon_8589.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
This is the second full moon in August of this year. People call it a blue moon for a number of reasons.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Fawn

Fawn_8347.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Fawn_8347.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I got to watch a fawn, a couple does and small buck for about a half hour tonight near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Turtle Nest

I saw what looked like an exit hole in the turtle nest yesterday so we went there tonight to check it out. We found lots of egg shells and one failed egg, pictured to the right. You can't see it in the photo but there were lots of little maggots squirming around in it. We figured most of the turtles escaped the nest. We searched the surround area and didn't find them. I hope they made it through the red-tailed hawk, raccoon and other predators.

Here is a slide show of the excavation.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Blonde Red-tailed Hawk

I'm not sure if this red-tailed hawk is white enough to be classified as a pale or light morph but it's pretty cool anyway. There were two others right near by that were a lot more brown. I suspect all three are juveniles because they don't have have the prominent red-tail yet.

"Blonde"isn't a technical bird term. refers to light and pale morphs of red-tailed hawks.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Previously Nowhere Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Ruddy Turnstone

I spent most of last week in the Jacksonville Beach Florida area. I got out for one sunrise on the beach (my first time on an ocean beach). It was great fun. I got low and waited while these ruddy turnstones ran around me looking for crabs or whatever they were eating.

Here is a slide show of the whole trip.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw the TCAAP WVA

TCAAP WVA_6127.jpg by Mully410 * Images
TCAAP WVA_6127.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Here is a sunrise shot of the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area from the other side of Lake Marsden. The sun just started lighting up the grass in the foreground before hitting the fog.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Young Red-tailed Hawk

I saw at least 6 red-tailed hawks near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area tonight. This one allowed me to drive up close probably because there was some prey nearby or it just wasn't as skittish as the older ones.

Still no activity at the suspected Blanding's turtle nest I've been keeping an eye on lately.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Fawns

Fawn_5943.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Fawn_5943.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Lots of deer near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. Saw this fawn with another fawn and two does. They actually walked up towards me for a few minutes before one of the does snorted and they all ran off.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Previously at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Spider Webs

Spider Web_5401.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Spider Web_5401.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
On that foggy morning last week, I saw some spider webs at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. Interestingly, they didn't seem to have much dew on them.

Spider Web_5356.jpg

Monday, August 13, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Birds

I saw lots of eastern kingbirds near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I saw at least three different broods. This young kingbird on the right had three siblings that mom and dad were diligently feeding.

I saw another great-horned owl. It flew ahead of me and landed a couple times as I crept up slowly in the truck. This is the best shot, which isn't very good. 1600 ISO, I think.

Great-horned Owl_5282_.jpg

I almost always see American kestrel over by the water tower. Here is a very tight crop of one on a wire.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw an Intruder

Intruder B_3296.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Intruder B_3296.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I went back and gave this image a closer look. On the surface it appears that dad is coming back to the nest empty handed and mom is cussing him out. When I zoomed in on the band on the osprey higher I saw it has the letter "B" on it. Well, the "dad" of this nest is "QJ" with no B on the band. I suspect this bird is from one of the three nests on the other side of the AHATS.

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Young Osprey

I didn't make it out to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area today, too cloudy and wet. On Saturday, I saw an empty osprey nest. Just a few days ago when I took this photo, the young osprey hadn't left the nest but they were sure practicing. This one flew from one end of the nest and back a bunch of times while I watched.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Morning Fog

Morning Fog_5361.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Morning Fog_5361.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
The NWS predicted patchy fog this morning at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. About half the time, I see fog when it's predicted. Today I got fog.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Flower

Flower_5220_.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Flower_5220_.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Not many of these false sunflowers remain at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. There is tons of big blue stem and indian grass along with some tiny white flowers.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw an Osprey on a Nest

This osprey nest is on the west end of the old TCAAP property. It's in an area where some people wanted to build a stadium. Eventually this area will get developed in some way and the osprey will find a new home.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Made HDR Photos

I'm really loving NIK's HDR Efex Pro2. Here are a couple shots I made tonight. I really tried to get them to look as I saw them. They are close but still look a little HDR-ish. What do you think?

Abandoned Buildings_1719_.jpg

Monday, August 6, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Deer...lots of deer

Big Buck_3853.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Big Buck_3853.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
There are tons of deer within the Arden Hills Army Training Site near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. The bucks still have velvet covered antlers. This buck on the right is one of at least four I saw with 10+ point racks over the weekend. This particular guy has at least 10 points visible in this shot.

Running Bucks_3869.jpg

I saw a doe with twin fawns a couple times. Not sure if it was the same doe.

Mom and Twins_3483.jpg

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw River Otters

I was parked in a favorite spot near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area so I could eat a late lunch. I kept my eyes peeled for any movement and saw a group of four river otters swim by my spot. Once in a while some or all of them would pop out of the water to grab something to eat. At one point, I saw a young pup batting around a painted turtle until it fell in the water (didn't get a shot in focus). Most of these shots are cropped at least 50%.

River Otters_4247.jpg

River Otters_4205.jpg

River Otter_4181.jpg

This Morning Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Young Turkey Vulture

This is one of a pair of immature turkey vultures I've been seeing near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I shot this through the sunroof of my truck.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Watched Osprey Flight School

The osprey near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area are about ready to leave the nest. The one in the shot on the right has a band on it that reads "9P" (I can only see two digits). 9P could hover above the nest in a fairly strong wind. Mom in on the branch to the right. She took off and flew around to show the kids how to do it. Neither kid decided to try it yet. Maybe tomorrow.


Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Fawns

Fawn_3035.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Fawn_3035.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw this fawn along with momma and its twin this morning near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. It was still pretty dark out so the ISO need to be high just to get 1/125 sec.

Caught the sunrise over Sunfish Lake too. Used HDR to get some detail in the reflections.

Sunfish Lake Sunrise_HDR_.jpg

Friday, August 3, 2012

Yesterday at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Osprey Practicing

I got a rare chance to get behind the fence near near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area this weekend. I spent a couple hours watching the osprey nest on the south side of Marsden Lake. They have two young that are almost ready to fledge. This anxious youngster in the photo to the right briefly got airborne while it was practicing.

Dad brought dinner.
