Saturday, December 29, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Deer

Deer_41646.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Deer_41646.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw maybe four different groups of 3-5 deer today near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I surprised this one in the pine trees.

In my quest to find owls, I actually got out of the truck and strapped on the snow shoes. Five steps into the pines and one flew off. Didn't get a shot.

Saw two different dark-morph rough-legged hawks and two others, either light-morph and/or normal.

Did not see a single turkey, which was weird. Their tracks are everywhere.

Nine swans again in the pond....and a jillion mallards.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Blue Sunrise

Not really. I had the white balance set to something else, not sure which, so it brought out all the blues. I liked the colors so I kept the shots.

Here's closer to what it really looked like:

Sunrise on Berm_40651_.jpg

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Turkeys Roosting

Roosting, not roasting. I made a drive through near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area this morning before I met the family for lunch. I saw two separate groups of turkeys still in their night roosting trees.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Tree Sparrows

Lately, I've been seeing a flock of about 40 or 50 American tree sparrows near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I find it fun to watch how the grass bends when they land on it. They are also a bit feisty sometimes.

Angry Bird_40468.jpg

Tree Sparrow_40482.jpg

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Reddish Squirrel

There aren't many squirrels near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area because of all the hawks, owls and eagles. That makes this siting a bit more interesting. I dug around the internet and can't positively determine if this is a reddish colored eastern gray squirrel or a fox squirrel. Odds are probably eastern gray but who knows?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Rough-legged Hawks

We saw at least three different individual rough-tailed hawks today near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area.

Here are a couple shots. The one on the right was screeching at us. Same bird below.

Rough-legged Hawk_40640.jpg

Different bird:
Rough-legged Hawk_40191.jpg

A very dark morph rough-legged hawk:

Dark Morph Rough-legged Hawk_40259.jpg

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw A Great Horned Owl

Actually, I saw three great horned owls today during the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. It was in the mid 30s F with pouring rain all day.

I took the small 70-300mm lens in lieu of the big glass so I'd be more mobile. All my photos are cropped very much and I only posted them for ID purposes.

Saw my first rough-legged hawk. There was much debate before we decided what it was. Once I got the photos on the computer, it's obvious.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Hawks

I saw 6-7 red-tailed hawks the other day near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I didn't get out there today since we received about a foot of snow.

This hawk must have been preoccupied with prey because I drove right up close and got to shoot a lot of photos.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Shrike Attack

Shrike_49408.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Shrike_49408.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Within a few minutes of entering the area, I came across this northern shrike. I snapped a few photos from a distance then drove up closer. This image is a cropped a bit. I wondered why the bird didn't fly off as I approached but I soon found out. It had a bead on shrew.  (I also saw a giant murder of crows, perhaps 300 or so and I saw a great horned owl and two kestrels.)

Northern Shrike_49411.jpg

Shrike and Shrew_49414.jpg

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Previously at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Trapped Leaf

Trapped_49115.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Trapped_49115.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
One thing that sucks about winter is the shorter days. I'm off to work when the sun is just coming up and don't get home until after the sun sets.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw A Foggy Road

It was foggy all day long today at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I headed out there about 10am for some landscape shots. The photo on the left is the perimeter road that runs around the edge of the whole AHATS.

I saw a flock of about twenty American tree sparrows working the grass on the other side of the barbed wire. I also saw a deer hunter drive by on the perimeter road with a big giant rack in the back. I wonder if it was this guy. I kinda hope not.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Previously at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw an American Tree Sparrow

Saw a group of tree sparrows hanging out at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area earlier this month. Caught a shot of this one on the barbed wire. They aren't quite as quick an active as the local black-capped chickadees but they are close.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Previously Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw River Otters

Back in August, I got to see a family of river otters up close on Lake Marsden near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Turkey

Trees_47698_.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Trees_47698_.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw a couple turkeys fly down from their nightly roost this morning at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I also saw a pair of trumpeter swans, some mallards a gaggle of Canada geese and some blue jays.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Turkey Flight_47636.jpg

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nowhere Near the TCAAP WVA

Gull_46957.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Gull_46957.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Sorry for the hiatus from the TCAAP WVA. I've been indisposed intermittently for last couple months.

Over the weekend, the weather was in the 50Fs so I headed out to the Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge. It had been more the two months since I had a full day of shooting and hadn't yet put the D4 its paces so I went out in search of gulls. The gulls gather in great numbers around the Minnesota River this time of year. Sometimes we've spent hours watching them fish.

I'm not particularly fond of gulls but I don't dislike them. The reason I seek them out is because it's fun and great practice. I don't want to learn how to shoot bald eagles when they're fishing so I practice with gulls, a lot.

While we were watching gulls, this eastern gray squirrel swam the 125-150 yards all the way across the Minnesota river. Weird.

Swimming Squirrel_46892.jpg

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Tree Sparrows

I saw more tree sparrows at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area tonight. I saw one deer, two turkeys, a couple gulls flew over and saw one hooded merganser in Marsden Lake.

Water Tower_46199.jpg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Tree Sparrows

I finally got back to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area this afternoon and saw a flock of about 6-8 american tree sparrows.

Tree Sparrow_45814.jpg

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Didn't See Anything

Squirrel_44980.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Squirrel_44980.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I haven't been out to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area lately. Actually, I haven't been anywhere very often but my backyard for over a month. Here's a squirrel in my backyard.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw the Bridge and Grass and Clouds

I only had a few minutes to stop by the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area today. I made a few clicks with the 50mm f1.4. I like this one best.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a White-throated Sparrow on Barbed Wire

Actually, I saw about 20 white-throated sparrows in the grass at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I think this is the first shot I've got of one on the barbed wire.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Sunset, sort of

Dead Tree_41349_.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Dead Tree_41349_.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I only made it out to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area for a few minutes today. Here is a quick 5 image handheld HDR processed in Nik's HDR Efex Pro 2.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Previously at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Sumac

Sumac_40653.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Sumac_40653.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
The sumac at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area are turning for fall right now. Some are all red, some are yellow and this one is half green and half maroon.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Fall Colors

Golden_40775.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Golden_40775.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
The colors are far from peaking at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area but all the golds were nice tonight.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today Nowhere Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Squirrels

Squirrel_40142.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Squirrel_40142.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I haven't be able to get out to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area lately so here's a shot of a squirrel in my backyard.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This Weekend Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Three New Birds

Bird_2578.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Bird_2578.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I got photos of three birds I've not seen before near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. The one on the right is a Nashville Warbler.

Tennessee Warbler:


Harris's Sparrow:


Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Raccoons

Racoons_2883.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Racoons_2883.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I parked on the road near some bird activity for about an hour today near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I saw a lot of interesting birds. These three raccoons walked across the road without a care. I don't think they noticed me until this one looked up after they crossed the road.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Fall

Fall_2548.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Fall_2548.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Today, I saw a few trees near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area preparing for winter.
