Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Lots of Birds

I arrived at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area shortly after sunrise. Nearly all the regulars were there.

FOY Blue Bird-49222.jpg

Flying Swan-49388.jpg

Loon Race-49247.jpg


Friday, April 26, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Loon

I was about to give up looking at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area, when I heard a loon. I got ready and hoped the loon would fly over into the good light. Fortunately, it did.

This was the first loon for me for the year. I also saw my first song sparrow and my first egrets at the TCAAP WVA.

Song Sparrow-48851.jpg

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nowhere Near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area

I spent the last several days in and around Crex Meadows Wisconsin. For those of you who don't follow my other blog, here's the link.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Clouds

Clouds_46098-.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Clouds_46098-.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw a lot more than clouds today at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. After work, I stopped by with the 50mm lens and the D4 because the clouds were looking pretty cool. We had short burst of snow here and there.

Clouds make for great black and white images, in my opinion so I focused on that in my minds eye.

After a few minutes, I noticed fast movement on the ice between the cattails. Within a few seconds, I determined it was a coyote running hard. There was a second one either following or chasing it. They ran all the way across the lake, by "the tree" and onto the road. They didn't stop for nothing. A few minutes later, I saw another coyote follow the trail of the previous two through the cattails but it didn't cross the frozen lake. I'm kind of bummed I didn't have the big glass but it was still fun watching them.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Soon this photo will be in a great birding book

This photo is going to be in a wonderful new birding book soon. 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know.

Here is a trailer that the author just posted on her website:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Vultures

Vultures-45935.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Vultures-45935.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw my first of the year turkey vultures today at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area.

Today Near the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Kestrels

Kestrel-45827.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Kestrel-45827.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I make a quick trip through the area near the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area this morning. Here is one of a pair of kestrels I saw on the wires. I also heard a meadowlark, first of the year. Saw my first eastern bluebirds too.