Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today at the AHATS WOA, I Saw the Bridge

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Today at the AHATS Wildlife Observation Area, I saw the bridge, a few birds and some interesting clouds.


Kind of a cruddy photo but I don't think I've posted many shots of a northern flicker at the WOA.

Northern Flicker_48042.jpg

I also saw a squirrel...he/she probably won't last long with all the predators around that area. Saw one osprey. Doesn't look like they're nesting on the Marsden Lake pole, however.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today at the AHATS WOA, I Saw a Song Sparrow

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Saw my first Song Sparrow of the year at the AHATS Wildlife Viewing Area.  I also heard a pheasant rooster and saw some robins and a cedar waxwing.