Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Yellow-headed Blackbird

Saw my first ever yellow-headed blackbird at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area this morning.

And some barn swallows were acting amorous on the barbed wire.

Barn Swallows-42591.jpg

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Clouds

Clouds_4240-.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Clouds_4240-.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
We had some severe thunderstorms this afternoon so I headed out to the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area when it was over.


Bridge and Gear_4220-.jpg

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tonight at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Plane

Plane-40951.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Plane-40951.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Here is a pretty red white and green plane that flew over the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area tonight.

I had some beautiful light and fortunately many birds were cooperative.

Palm Warbler-41099.jpg

Yellow-rumped Warbler-41067.jpg

Mrs Wood Duck-41055.jpg

Great Blue Heron-41085.jpg

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Pine Warbler

Saw my first Pine Warbler at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area today.

A turkey vulture checked me out.

Turkey Vulture-40765.jpg

And the eastern bluebirds were around...

Bluebird on Barbed-wire-40867.jpg

Along with a palm warbler.

Palm Warbler-40853.jpg

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Long Time Ago at the TCAAP WVA...

Autograph-40225.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Autograph-40225.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I got my copy of 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know autographed by the author, Sharon Stiteler, today! Very cool.

Get your (non-autographed) copy at Amazon or your favorite bookstore. If you run into me somewhere, I'll be happy to autograph my page for you.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tonight at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Gulls

Gulls-40035.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Gulls-40035.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
I saw a group of six of these gulls tonight at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. I'm pretty sure they are Franklin's Gulls. I also saw chickadees, a male northern harrier and a sunset.

Singing Chickadee-40117.jpg

Northern Harrier-40061.jpg


Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw Bluebirds

Bluebirds-49884.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Bluebirds-49884.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Last night, I didn't see any bluebirds at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area. This morning I saw two investigating one of the nest cans. While I was staking out the bird house, a palm warbler landed in the chain-linked fence in front of me. I also saw three common loons, two of which were chasing each other around the lake. One of osprey flew by as did a juvenile bald eagle.



Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today at the TCAAP WVA, I Saw a Harrier

Harrier-49701.jpg by Mully410 * Images
Harrier-49701.jpg, a photo by Mully410 * Images on Flickr.
Today at the TCAAP Wildlife Viewing Area, I saw a northern harrier hunting above the cattails. I also saw a half dozen turkey vultures soar over the area. No bluebirds or tree swallows today.
